We met with Vincent Quitard, the DJ taking care of our web radio, a customer and a friend of the brand. We talked about his inspirations and his career in music, from DJ collectors to digital distribution.

 Hi Vincent, where are you from ?

I come from Nîmes, in south of France and I grew up in Paris . So I have this double nationality, I am from both the south and the north !

And now where are you based ?

I live in Paris with my family, I came to Paris in the 2000s.

How old are you ?

I am 45 years old.

Could you explain your activity ?

I’m an activist, a freestyler..

I started in music as a dj, vinyl collector I started mixing in the 90s in Montpellier. After I returned to Paris and for 15 years now I work in the music industry especially in the distribution, promotion and management of artists. That’s my main activity but beside that I always keep in parallel my activities of dj, collector. I also do some consulting, playlists or radio as for your brand or for some shops. My main activity is the management of artists and digital distribution.

To come back to your years in Montpellier, do you have a record or an event that has changed your vision of the music industry? Making you feel like this is what I wanna do..

So it was not in Montpellier it was in Paris where I grew up. One of my neighbor was a record collector and so had a whole album collection of James Brown and Barry White , so that’s what set me up in Black Music. From there I actually started to buy records, after you go on other styles and you realize this music was sampled in hip-hop in the house and after if you are a little curious you discover many other styles. That’s when I really started to get interested in music.

Today what are you using to find new songs, new sounds ?

It has changed, in our era in the 90s when we bought records we went to the stores to discover the music we read magazines, we listened to the radio. It was a long process, today I use the new tools so internet is much faster but there is much more offer. It is necessary to use filters and that is why today there are playlists and radios, there are people who make the filter between the offer and the demand.

Did you discover something good recently? An artist, an album..?

There are many things, but maybe the last concert I have been to I go to a lot of concerts because I think that’s where a real artist defends his music the best.

The artist who impressed me the most this year is Anderson Park, It’s still one of my greatest surprises as a live performer, he plays a lot of instruments and it’s a real show !

And what did you eat last night ?

Fish with vegetables, I try to lose weight … Trying to stay fit !

Thank you !